What is Mindfulness?

For me, mindfulness incorporates many modalities such as meditation, self-love, and spirituality.  The definition of meditation contains mindfulness whereas the definition of mindfulness incorporates awareness.  Thus, making mindfulness a broader concept for describing a state of being.


I bring mindfulness into every action throughout the day and thus make everyday, all day, a meditation practice.  I am also a Mother so my meditation practice is a Must for me.  Mindfulness can be a way of looking at each moment as its own universe.  Making each moment precious, I look for ways to both appreciate and savor these moments as a Mother and with my Children.  The feeling that comes from these moments (indeed most times they are only moments) is what I focus on savoring and repeating throughout the day.

It is a process I find that helps ease and counter stressful moments as a Mom.  This process of collecting moments of mindfulness makes me happy.  It reassures, refines, and motivates me along my parenting journey.

Self – Love

I am blessed with a 10 year old daughter and a six year old son.  While raising them, I sought to develop the positive qualities in both and also realize those traits in myself.  The less positive qualities in each I can also mirror so I gently correct those actions while forgiving myself.  Essentially I’m Mom-ing my inner child in addition to two little ones.  As a result, I found more self-love in loving my children.


The spiritual connection between Mother and Child, for me, started in the womb.  That connection is very important to me and one I try to cultivate and develop on a daily basis.  This spirituality development process circles back to the mindful moments. 

Sometimes I may go a whole day and have one mindful moment, but that one mindful moment made my whole day. Part of this process is making the connection with Nature a Priority.  From my perspective, the more connection I have with nature, the more mindful and spiritual I feel. Those feelings are organically reflected in both expression and behavior.

The habit of collecting mindful moments as a spiritual practice encompasses self-love, my parenting style, and meditation. The positive and uplifting experiences this practice brings is repeatable and something I hope to also share with others. These mindful moments also make lasting memories and that is something applicable regardless of one’s life path or origin.

Future Posts

I hope you found this overall definition of mindfulness helpful.  In future posts, I’ll go over specific methods and modalities I incorporate into my everyday life to cultivate mindfulness.  I’ll also dive deeper into each concept to provide the lessons learned I wish I had as a new Mom. Until next time, may this post bring benefit all. ~Namaste~


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